Bankruptcy Blog

Pros & Cons Of Debt Consolidation In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Pros & Cons Of Debt Consolidation In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

by John G. Merna, Esq. Being overwhelmed with debt causes an enormous amount of stress.  The stress is created by the thought of not being able to pay each time a collection notice or harassing call is received.  Most people would like to believe they can deal with...

Foreclosure & Strategic Default

Foreclosure & Strategic Default

Negative Equity: What Are The Risks Of A    Strategic Default Or Voluntary Foreclosure by John G. Merna, Esq. The real estate crisis, which hit full bloom in 2008, hammered property values so serious almost every homeowner in Virginia asked the same question.  Is my...

Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions – Conclusion

Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions – Conclusion

by John G. Merna, Esq. The Big Exemptions - Your House & Tax Refunds When it comes to Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions you could spend all day talking about protecting a lot of little thing.  I have already talked about vehicle, so that leaves just two other things...

Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions – Part 1

Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions – Part 1

Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions will protect property for people filing bankruptcy. The protection is limited. Use a qualified bankruptcy attorney to determine if any of your property may be vulnerable.

Bankruptcy Court: Halls Of Justice?

Bankruptcy Court: Halls Of Justice?

Bankruptcy Court: Is It Safe To Walk The Halls Alone? by John G. Merna, Esq. As an American, the idea of our court system is closely tied to our idea of Justice.  For many this applies only to criminal cases.  In reality, our concept of justice applies to our debt and...