Bankruptcy Blog

Trick or Treat: Five Scary Tricks (Myths) About Bankruptcy

by John G. Merna, Esq. Halloween is about scary things we know are not real but enjoy being scared anyway.  Bankruptcy is similarly scary because of the myths and urban legends about the process.  Here are five "tricks" (myths) about bankruptcy that will help you...

The Credit Zombie Apocalypse Is Here

by John G. Merna What is the "credit zombie apocalypse"? The credit zombie apocalypse is the millions of struggling homeowners, credit card holders and working men and women paying and paying and paying on bad loans, unethical debt and absurd lending terms.  ...

Have Zombies Infested Your Finances?

by John G. Merna, Esq. Halloween is the best holiday in my book and apparently in many people’s book.  Our affinity for things that scare us, such as Zombies, is well demonstrated by the popularity of television shows such as “The Walking Dead” and “Z Nation”, and...

Is Bankruptcy Right AS A choice?

Is Bankruptcy Right AS A choice?

by John G. Merna, Esq. Is there a better way to deal with your debt than bankruptcy? Is bankruptcy right for you? One of the most common questions I'm asked when people call inquiring about bankruptcy is "Is there a better way to deal with my debt than filing...

Signs A Foreclosure Sale Date Exists – Virginia

Signs A Foreclosure Sale Date Exists – Virginia

by John G. Merna, Esq. This may seem like an unusual topic for a blog.  "Don't you receive notice of a foreclosure sale date in Virginia?" you might ask.  "Doesn't the law require you to be served? Virginia is a non-judicial foreclosure state which means that the...