Bankruptcy Blog

Five Reasons You Are Not Your Credit Score

Five Reasons You Are Not Your Credit Score

By John G. Merna, Esq Reason 1 You are a living breathing individual with value, worth and possibilities that can not be quantified by science or a FICO/ credit score. Reason 2 A credit rating does not show how hard you are trying, whether it is working multiple jobs,...

Can I Purchase A Car After Bankruptcy? Infographic

Can I Purchase A Car After Bankruptcy? Infographic

by John. G. Merna, Esq. On a personal note, I appreciate all the thanks from our blog readers and clients about the various topics I write about. To link to this stream of postings just "friend" us on Google+.  I would also appreciate if you would Google +1 this page...

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline in Virginia

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline in Virginia

 Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline in Virginia by John G. Merna Connect on Google+ Infographic: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline In Virginia is copyrighted by The Merna Law Group, P.C.  A limited license to embed this page on your site is granted below.  Any other use of all...

Tax Refund Warning: Your Bank Account Can Be Garnished!

Tax Refund Warning: Your Bank Account Can Be Garnished!

By John G. Merna For many of you expecting large tax refunds in the coming weeks, it is an exciting time and always feels good to have a little extra money.  However, if you are behind on your bills and have judgments, it is a scary prospect that your tax refund money...

Avoiding Bankruptcy Can Make You Poorer In Retirement, Fed Says.

Avoiding Bankruptcy Can Make You Poorer In Retirement, Fed Says.

By John G. Merna, Esq. Individuals who choose to avoid bankruptcy generally will be poorer in retirement, fed study shows. The Federal Reserve of New York (FRBNY) in a study researching the impact of the bankruptcy reforms put into place in 2005 revealed that trying...