Bankruptcy Blog

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Timeline In Virginia

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Timeline In Virginia

by John G. Merna Infographic: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Timeline In Virginia is copyrighted by The Merna Law Group, P.C.  A limited license to embed this page on your site is granted below.  Any other use of all or part of this copyrighted material will be prosecuted. The...

Bankruptcy Can Help Reinstate A Suspended Driver’s License

Bankruptcy Can Help Reinstate A Suspended Driver’s License

Driver's License Suspended For An Unpaid Judgment From An Accident? by John G. Merna, Esq. Having your driving privileges suspended due to a judgment from a car accident where you did not have car insurance is a reality in Virginia.  The Virginia Code, Sec. 46.2-417,...

Five Bankruptcy Myths Debunked – Infographic

Five Bankruptcy Myths Debunked – Infographic

by John G. Merna, Esq. Bankruptcy is still a misunderstood tool surrounded by misinformation, myths and a belief that it represents failure.  The reality is very different.  Bankruptcy is one of the most powerful business and personal financial tools available in the...

Filing Bankruptcy Is Better Than Not Filing, Fed Says!

Filing Bankruptcy Is Better Than Not Filing, Fed Says!

by John G. Merna, Esq. The government is now confirming that people who file bankruptcy fair better and recover quicker than those who do not.  The report issued by the federal government confirms what bankruptcy attorneys have known for decades, avoiding...

10 Ways To Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure In Virginia

10 Ways To Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure In Virginia

10 Ways To Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure In Virginia By John G. Merna, Esq. So you have been notified your house is going to be foreclosed on.  You have options!  The foreclosure process generally begins after the third missed mortgage payment. There are generally ten...

How Your Tax Refund Can Change Your Life

How Your Tax Refund Can Change Your Life

By John G. Merna, Esq. This blog could also be called "Am I Flushing My Money Down The Toilet Because I Am Afraid". If you are too afraid to take steps to put the credit nightmare you are living with behind you, then stop reading now. Seriously. For those of you still...