Bankruptcy Blog

Virginia Garnishment: How Bankruptcy Can Help.

Virginia Garnishment: How Bankruptcy Can Help.

by John G. Merna, Esq. Virginia garnishment laws are not on the books to protect you from your creditors.  Virginia garnishment laws are available to your creditors to take your property. Let's look at it from our point...

Baby Boomers & Bankruptcy: Make Your Retirement Better.

Baby Boomers & Bankruptcy: Make Your Retirement Better.

by John G. Merna A Lack of Retirement Savings Forces Many to Take ActionWith over 75 million baby boomers in or approaching retirement, the disappearance of corporate retirement, failure of 401(k) plans to deliver great returns, and the recent Great Recession have...

How Debt Relief Companies Scam You.

How Debt Relief Companies Scam You.

By John G. Merna, Esq.Let’s face it bankruptcy is never anyone’s first choice. Although that’s primarily because they don’t really understand it.  Naturally, most people's first inclination is to halt and get the hemorrhaging under control.  With that thought in mind,...

How Often Can You File Or Refile Bankruptcy?

How Often Can You File Or Refile Bankruptcy?

by John G. Merna, Esq. For many, the question of whether they are eligible to refile bankruptcy can arise if they have completed a bankruptcy in the past.  The primary question is whether they are eligible to receive another discharge of debt in either a Chapter 7 or...

File A Bankruptcy Without Leaving Home

File A Bankruptcy Without Leaving Home

Experience the freedom of filing for bankruptcy from the comfort of your own home. Our convenient telephone and video communications allow you to navigate the process without stepping foot outside. Let us guide you through this challenging time and provide the support...