Bankruptcy Blog

How To File Bankruptcy – Three EZ Steps

How To File Bankruptcy – Three EZ Steps

By John G. Merna, Esq. How to file bankruptcy in Virginia is the biggest question we get on our website chat and e-mail inquiries. Many people understand an attorney is required but want to understand what the process will entail. If you ask a layman how to file...

Medical Bankruptcy:  Emergency Surgery for your Medical Debt.

Medical Bankruptcy: Emergency Surgery for your Medical Debt.

By John G. Merna, Esq. Medical Bankruptcy: 42% of the bankruptcies filed a caused by an abundance of medical debt Statistically speaking, 42% of the bankruptcies filed a caused by an abundance of medical debt.  This is a commentary on the poor health insurance system...

TimeShare Scams: Conclusion

TimeShare Scams: Conclusion

TimeShare Scams: Conclusion Why A Moment Of Excitement Can Cost You A Lifetime Of Debt by John G. Merna, Esq. Lesson 6:  Change is inevitable. “Vacation Glasses” is a good way to explain the euphoric feeling most people feel when they go to a beautiful place away from...

TimeShare Scams: Part 5

TimeShare Scams: Part 5

Timeshare Scams: Part 5 by John G. Merna, Esq. Why A Moment Of Excitement Can Cost You A Lifetime Of Debt Lesson 5:  You will get a lot of icing and a little cake. The biggest icing timeshare sellers heap on the sales pitch is you can transfer it. You can either bank...

TimeShare Scams: They Don’t Tell You The Important Stuff – Part 4

TimeShare Scams: They Don’t Tell You The Important Stuff – Part 4

by John G. Merna, Esq. Why A Moment Of Excitement Can Cost You A Lifetime Of Debt Lesson 4:  You are never told the important stuff. Timeshare sales is as much about what they don’t tell you are what they do. They don’t tell you a lot in the presentations. They leave...

Bankruptcy & Debt: Your Neighbor Is In Debt Too.

Bankruptcy & Debt: Your Neighbor Is In Debt Too.

By John G. Merna, Esq. The great American taboo of failure is perhaps one of the most convincing illusions we have played on ourselves. We fool each other into thinking that we are doing just fine without any difficulty when considering finances and money. Take two...