by John G. Merna Summer may not seem any different from the rest of the year when it comes to debt except for the rising temperatures, however, the heat brings with it financial challenges that can set you back. Here are some savings tips that might make keep...
by John G. Merna Anyone with a child can tell you that summers bring expenses and financial pressures. There are the childcare costs if you are working, camp costs to keep your children engaged, vacation pressures and costs, etc. Most of you are already are experts at...
by John G. Merna, Esq. As we end the first month of 2016, a person should take a moment for introspection. Everyone should take time to reflect on how to improve your life by living better and being happier. I don’t have any suggestions on how to make you...
How to Remove, Eliminate or Strip a 2nd Mortgage Off a House (Conclusion). by John G. Merna, Esq. Options One- Settling the debt As explained in Part II of this guide, once a second mortgage is in default or behind on payments the lender has few options to...
Remove, Eliminate or Strip a 2nd Mortgage by John G. Merna, Esq. Conditions Required To Remove A Second Mortgage Not all second mortgages will be eligible for removal. To be in a position to eliminate or remove a second mortgage the home owner will need two...
How to Remove, Eliminate or Strip a 2nd Mortgage Off a House by John G. Merna, Esq. What is a 2nd Mortgage? And when can it be eliminated? A second mortgage, sometimes called a second lien, on real estate is a loan given either at the time of purchase or taken...
A foreclosure is the legal process wherein the mortgage lender or judgment lienholder forces the sale of a home by auction to either get the outstanding balance paid by the foreclosure buyer or takes back the title to the property.